FFF5 Inspire Enironemntal RECON Offshore and Ventura Group Partnership

Leading Offshore Firms Integrate Marine Archaeology

INSPIRE Environmental (INSPIRE), Full Fathom Five Marine (FF5), and RECON Offshore (RECON) have formed a team to add marine archaeology and cultural resources services to INSPIRE’s benthic, marine ecosystem, and fisheries service offerings.

Travis Jones Field Photo

Welcome Travis Jones

Travis is an archaeologist, currently finalizing his dissertation at the University of Georgia. With a focus on geoarchaeology, Travis has developed an expertise in elemental and isotopic analysis, a specialization that stands at the intersection of archaeology and geoscience.

Offshore Divers on a submerged archaeological site

offshore shenanigans, redux

I learned several lessons about offshore fieldwork and research a long time ago. One, it never goes as planned; and two, as a result, you usually wind up with more questions than answers when you’re done. Finally, THREE, as a result of these first two variables, you’re usually never, truly done with research. All three […]

Fieldwork on Ocholocknee Shoals

Field Season 2022

FF5 has been quite busy with fieldwork this summer after the long pause we’ve all had to take due to the pandemic. Our focus has been on advancing our research initiatives in Apalachee Bay, Florida, where the peninsula meets the panhandle at the Big Bend of Florida. This summer, we’ve been engaged in fieldwork on […]